The Personal Challenge Award with 4th Bramhall Scout Group

The Personal Challenge Award is an incredible opportunity for our young people at 4th Bramhall to reach their full potential. While supporting this badge may seem daunting, we’ve gathered some valuable tips to help guide you.

From the Squirrels All About Me Challenge Award

To the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Personal Challenge Award

The Personal Challenge Award encourages young people to conquer personal hurdles, be it preparing for a music exam, learning to swim, or speaking in public. These obstacles often prevent them from reaching their full potential, which goes against the very essence of Scouting.

By embracing the Personal Challenge Award, we can help our scouts overcome these challenges. The award requires each scout to tackle two challenges—one they set for themselves and one set by a leader. This not only helps them grow but also allows leaders to connect with the scouts on a deeper level. Through meaningful conversations, leaders can empathize with the scouts’ struggles and celebrate their triumphs.

How do young people earn the award?

To earn the Personal Challenge Award, scouts must complete two personal challenges agreed upon with their leader. These challenges should be difficult yet achievable with dedication.

Challenges can encompass any aspect of a scout’s life—home, sports, school, or scouting—but must be uniquely personal to them, empowering the scouts to take full ownership of their growth.

Click the relevant section button below to find out more.

Squirrels All About Me Challenge Award Beavers Personal Challenge Award Cubs Personal Challenge Award Scouts Personal Challenge Award


  • The challenges should be things that you find difficult but can overcome with some effort and commitment.
  • They can be to do with any part of your life, for example home, school or Scouts. You can upload evidence of your badges using the Badges at Home function in OSM.
  • You can also view your progress towards Chief Scout Award on OSM.

Scouts Personal Challenge

In Scouts the personal challenge is in two parts which includes your personal challenge and one set by the leaders. These are detailed below.

Complete two personal challenges which you and your leaders agree on. You should choose one of the challenges and your leader will choose the other. 

You MUST do a 5 min presentation to the rest of the troop on each of the two parts – your badge earnt for the Leader Challenge and Personal Challenge.

Personal Challenge for Scouts

The challenges must be different from the ones you did for your Beaver and Cub Personal Challenge Awards. 

Here are some example challenges to give you some ideas, but make sure you choose to do something that is personal to you.

  • Give up using your mobile or games console for a week
  • Take part in an organised walk or run for charity
  • Talk about a topic that interests you in front of your Patrol
  • Help your younger brother or sister with their school work for a term
  • Learn how to communicate in basic sign language
  • Do at least an hour of physical activity every day over the summer holidays
  • Do the washing up at home for two weeks
  • Organise a small fundraising event for the Group or a local charity

Leaders Challenge for Scouts

Leaders Challenge – Earn a Scout Activity Badge outside of the normal programme. You may be already doing activities that can go towards badges such as Sports, Writing, Hobbies, Martial Arts, Music etc… There are lots of badges available for many different topics.

The full list of badges can be found at: